Draft Release of the Purchasing Practices HRDD Framework - click here to learn more


Draft Release of the Purchasing Practices HRDD Framework - click here to learn more -

Building resilience in supply chains through responsible purchasing practices

Responsible purchasing practices are essential to achieve the improvements in factory working conditions that many brands and retailers have publicly committed to. Improved purchasing practices will contribute to preventing harm and facilitating both social and environmental improvements in the supply chain.

The Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices (RPP) collaborates to promote progress on RPP in the garment industry, using the Common Framework on Responsible Purchasing Practices as a reference point. They work together on disseminating and promoting the uptake and implementation of the Framework, and on influencing relevant policy. The Working Group now consists of representatives of the Ethical Trading Initiative, Ethical Trade Norway, Fair Wear, the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST), Solidaridad, Ethical Trade Denmark and the Fair Labor Association.

The Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices was developed in 2022 by some of these organisations (ETI, ET Norway, PST and Fair Wear). 

The Learning and Implementation Community (LIC), is one of the activities that has come from this group. Over a two year period the Community has provided workshops and resources to support 35 brands to work together with their supply chain partners to practically apply the principles of the Framework in making improvements in purchasing practices. The LIC is led by ETI, ET Norway, PST, Fair Wear and Solidaridad, each of which continues to work with their member companies to promote positive action on RPP.

The Working Group on RPP is actively partnering with the ‘Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative’ particularly on ensuring the voice of manufacturers is represented and on supporting the engagement with manufacturers in the LIC. 

Photo credits © Better Work