Public Consultation on the Purchasing Practices HRDD Framework

The Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices (WG on RPP) facilitated an open consultation period for the Draft Purchasing Practices HRDD Framework, designed to foster continuous and consistent improvement in purchasing practices across our industry. This framework is the result of collaborative efforts by a coalition of like-minded organisations, each dedicated to enhancing transparency and accountability and upholding responsible industry standards within the garment and footwear sector. Namely, the WG on RPP (Ethical Trading Initiative, ET Norway, Fair Wear, PST, Solidaridad, Ethical Trade Denmark and the Fair Labor Association) and in collaboration with the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI).

Consultation period: 16 September - 16 December 2024

A three-month consultation period was held from 16 September to 16 December. During this time, we invited all industry players—including regulators and policymakers, multi-stakeholder initiatives, trade unions, civil society organisations, investors, manufacturers, brands, and retailers—to contribute their insights and feedback. The goal of this consultation was to achieve industry-wide consensus on how to credibly and effectively measure progress on RPP. The draft Purchasing Practices HRDD Framework can be found here.

Draft Accountability Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices (AFRPP)

The AFRPP is developed for industry players that seek industry-wide accepted guidance to hold brands and retailers accountable on RPP. The Accountability Framework for RPP incorporates benchmarks and specific key performance indicators against which RPP performance can be measured. It offers existing accountability mechanisms and tools the key ingredients to assess and compare purchasing companies’ performance against industry-accepted benchmarks for responsible purchasing practices.

Key aspects of the AFRPP include:

  • Benchmarks grounded in the Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices: The AFRPP builds upon the principles outlined in the Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices and should be used in conjunction with that document. The CFRPP is the reference point for what constitutes responsible purchasing practices in the garment and footwear sector. 

  • Connecting Due Diligence and RPP: As responsible purchasing practices should be integrated into strategies and actions for due diligence in line with OECD guidelines to provide an enabling environment for good working conditions, the benchmarks are presented along the lines of the 6 steps of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.

  • Amplifying existing resources: The AFRPP references existing guidance, tools and good practices to support the assessment and comparison of purchasing companies' practices. 

Why participation matters

The AFRPP represents a significant step forward in our collective efforts to promote responsible purchasing practices.Accountability on RPP is crucial because when brands commit to responsible purchasing, the benefits are substantial. Suppliers can plan production more effectively, manage working hours, ensure fair wages, and invest in improving labor and environmental working conditions. In fact, responsible purchasing practices are the foundation of effective Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) implementation. Without them, even the most well-designed efforts will fall short of their intended impact.

 However, the adoption of the AFRPP depends on the active engagement and input of key industry stakeholders. By participating in the consultation period, you have the opportunity to shape the future of responsible purchasing in the garment and footwear sector and ensure that the framework is robust, practical, and widely adopted.

Your feedback will play a crucial role in refining the framework, with the aim of integrating these inputs for a finalised version that will be launched at the OECD Forum in February. This launch will mark a significant milestone in our shared commitment to responsible business practices.

Next steps

To participate in the consultation period, please reach out to (or your MSI representative), and (they) can provide you access to the Draft Accountability Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices and guidance to submit your written feedback.

Thank you for your commitment to advancing responsible purchasing. We look forward to your valuable contributions to this important process.

The WG on RPP (Ethical Trading Initiative, ET Norway, Fair Wear, PST, Solidaridad, Ethical Trade Denmark and the Fair Labor Association) and in collaboration with STTI